LLG-Inoculation loops, PS, double, loop/needle

Made of flexible polystyrene. With ultra-smooth loops for problem-free planting and streaking of cultures. Free of lubricants, oils and electrostatic charges, enabling consistent and complete liquid transfer. Ergonomic design of the loops for optimal grip and an easy orientation of the loop head. Needle end shape is perfect for picking off individual isolated colonies and suitable for making stab inoculations into agar slants or tubes of solid culture medium.
Package: 10 bags of 10 pieces

For research and development only.
LLG-Inoculation loops, PS, double, loop/needle
LLG-Inoculation loops, PS, double, loop/needle
Nominal capacity µlShapePKCat. No.
1Loop/needle1009.160 041
10Loop/needle1009.160 042
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LLG-Inoculation loops, PS, double, loop/needle
LLG-Inoculation loops, PS, double, loop/needle